On Life and Love

Links! September 13th

Some good reading:

"3-Sweep" Software Can Extract 3D Objects Out of a Single Photo | Popular Photography
This is incredible.
Tone policing: a tool for protecting male power | Geek Feminism Blog
"If you still need evidence that there’s a double standard, there it is. I think what’s happening here is that whatever men do gets defined as being effective, by definition, because they are men. It’s a little bit like how women frequently get describe as “emotional”, but this (often pejorative) label is rarely applied to men who are raging out, because apparently anger isn’t an emotion."
Programming Comedy – Wat – YouTube
This is how a colleague of mine came up with his StarCraft 2 name.
Ice, Ice Baby | Whole9 | Let us change your life.
"This next tip is really important, especially for the men. For the love of Peter (and your Pauls), keep your underwear on." My freezer wouldn't hold enough store-bought bags of ice to do this twice a week, but I could maybe try to collect the bins of icemaker ice over the week and use those. Could be a fun experiment.