• On Life and Love

    “Never mind” — Ossuary

    No, no, not “never mind” on Ossuary. It’s in its final rounds of testing and such. But in the game, there’s a character that asks for your help with their (as yet undetailed) research. When you say “yes”, you get this: I always pick “never mind” first, just for the hilarity of backpedaling from the question. Like, “What the fuck kind of place is this?”

  • On Life and Love

    AudibleManager Limitations

    My internet searches came up fuzzy or empty for these two questions, so here they are, answered: Does the Windows desktop application (AudibleManager) have the same password limitations as the iTunes authorization does, where a password cannot have special symbols in it? Yes, yes it does. You have to change your Amazon password to be just alphanumeric for the desktop client to activate. Does AudibleManager have WhisperSync? I don’t want to have to find where I left off in an audiobook. No, no it does not. These are true as of version I certainly find these two things disappointing, along with the fact that the AudibleManager’s UI is a…

  • On Life and Love

    Post-#SexyShred Thoughts

    Or: What Garbage Will I Eat Now? I spent 4 weeks eating “clean” in July and August as part of #SexyShred: no preservatives no pork little beef few oils most cheeses eliminated few processed foods no white rice or white flour organic fruits and veggies no added sugars or sweeteners other than honey or molasses Their version of clean eating is a variation on common styles that might prohibit any added sugars at all, but wouldn’t disallow pork. I felt pretty amazing. I’ve been working through all sorts of food stuff the last few months, discovering what foods trigger more overeating, what foods negatively affect my mood. #SexyShred came at…

  • On Life and Love

    Links! September 13th

    Some good reading: "3-Sweep" Software Can Extract 3D Objects Out of a Single Photo | Popular Photography This is incredible. Tone policing: a tool for protecting male power | Geek Feminism Blog "If you still need evidence that there’s a double standard, there it is. I think what’s happening here is that whatever men do gets defined as being effective, by definition, because they are men. It’s a little bit like how women frequently get describe as “emotional”, but this (often pejorative) label is rarely applied to men who are raging out, because apparently anger isn’t an emotion." Programming Comedy – Wat – YouTube This is how a colleague of…