• On Life and Love

    News(?) from Georgia Tech

    After not hearing a damn thing from the Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. Program for months, I emailed them to ask if there was some problem. All my documents show as being in, all letters of recommendation done months ago, etc. The response? “A first round of offers was made, and all other applicants were placed on a waiting list. Unfortunately, it appears that the class will fill up and no offers will be made to applicants on the waiting list.” So presumably, I’m on that waiting list. Which is really a rejection list, since no offers are being made to them. Regardless, I’m questioning further, just in case I was offered…

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn Make your own protein bars — I totally need to try this! It sounds yummy and is less creepy than the stuff buyable in stores. Tagged as: [food] monkeybicycle.net – Can I just point out how racist I’m not being right now? — Funny stuff. Tagged as: [racism] krustukles: Yesterday, wasting a little time… — On a post beginning with the phrase, "I’m not racist, so…" Krustukles lays it all out rather nicely. Tagged as: [racism]

  • Uncategorized


    2 cups frozen stawberries 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 tbsp sugar (or substitute of your choice) 3 tbsp orange juice 1/2 cup water (or however much to get the damn thing to blend) Blend. Put into popsicle holders with sticks. Freeze. Consume! I couldn’t find popsicle holders… or popsicle sticks. So I used ice cube trays and cut straws. So very yummy. It’s even good as goop, which you can see in the blue bowl. Not unlike sorbet, actually.

  • Uncategorized

    Running past failure

    I ran today! It wasn’t far and it certainly wasn’t fast, but I ran. Running, to me, symbolizes the signs of being healthy. If I can run fast, then I’ve gotten strong, I’ve mastered my asthma, and I can push myself in the short-term. If I can run long, then I’ve learned the balance between speed and distance; I’ve been able to overcome muscular problems; I’m eating well enough that my tummy can take being jostled for a while. For the last two years, if I can even bring myself to lace up my shoes, then I’ve won a mental battle for my health. I’ve done it maybe 50 times…