• Uncategorized

    Ow, my jaw.

    When I went to take my pill upon waking this morning, I discovered an immense amount of pain in my jaw. What the hell? I thought carefully back over my weekend’s activities, and discovered not a one that would cause that degree of soreness. I skipped breakfast and showered and carefully, carefully brushed my teefuses. More ow. What the hell could be causing this, if not something unmentionable to the public? Then I remembered my workout last night. (Ahem.) I ran the longest I have in quite a while. What’s that got to do with my jaw? All the hard breathing. I discovered a couple of years ago that if…

  • On Life and Love

    In other big news

    Two weeks ago, I added WO to my car insurance (boys are expensive!). I also got a summer job in town that is related to my major. Last week, I signed the lease to an apartment with him. Eek. Squee. [tags]cohabitation, summer job, rose-hulman ventures, car insurance[/tags]

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Indianz.Com > News > Giago: Oglala Sioux president on state abortion law » "’To me, it is now a question of sovereignty,’ she said to me last week. ‘I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no