• On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Beautiful » "A DJ asked me, ‘What if you woke up tomorrow, and you were beautiful? I mean really beautiful. You were 19, blonde, weighed 110 pounds, 5’11" and beautiful. What would you do?’ I am beautiful now." cunting linguist: The Man’s Guide to Cunnilingus: Pt. 1 » Exactly what the name suggests. cunting linguist: The Man’s Guide to Cunnilingus Pt. 2 » Part deux. cunting linguist: The Man’s Guide to Cunnilingus Pt. 3 » More of the same. The words every 23 year old should read :: tiffany b. brown // v 4.1 » I could write an entire blog entry on how I feel about this. Suffice it…

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Rosetta Stone: Language Learning Software » This software is amazing. You won’t learn to say "Hello" or "Where’s the bathroom?" but you’ll gain vocabulary and listening comprehension pretty damn quickly. I’m impressed. Afro-Netizen?: Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn » "Black men in the United States face a far more dire situation than is portrayed by common employment and education statistics, […] and it has worsened in recent years even as an economic boom and a welfare overhaul have brought gains to black women and

  • On Life and Love

    Cabarrus county schools blocking access to LGBTQ sites?

    According to Nathan (curly, not blond): Synopsis: the [Cabarrus County] public school system’s firewall is blocking LGBTQ sites without blocking other sites that I would consider parallel (say, http://www.operationsaveamerica.org). It’s not that the sites are thought of as related to sex (vs. sexuality), or something graphic. “The reason these sites are denied is as follows: ‘Gay, Lesbian, or bisexual interest.'” I really like the way Nathan and his partners in crime are handling this: Presently Savannah and I are trying to resolve the issue through normal channels by talking with people involved in the school district. […] We ask that unless attempts through these normal channels have failed that you…

  • On Life and Love

    Ajax… for the win

    AjaxWrite is an Ajax-powered word processor. That means no installation, no huge Microsoft application running, and–if you don’t own MS Office–no paying $500 to word process nicely. I’ve used it a little, and I think it’s sexy. I don’t require many of the bells and whistles that Word provides, but despite its clean interface, AjaxWrite isn’t skimpy on features. I think I’ll find it useful for working on homework at work (where I am not permitted to setup my laptop) or on Linux machines. I’m not sure where the processing power for the application comes from (server-side or client), but it could also prove useful on low-end machines, like my…

  • On Life and Love


    I’m about to just start blubbering at people. My blubbers will be chock-full of emotion and intent, so it’ll be pretty damn clear what I’m feeling, but I’m running out of words to express my frustration, impatience, fed-uppedness, and… and… *grr*. Let us hope I don’t do any permanent damage before the next couple of weeks are over. [tags]college-life, emotional[/tags]