• On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Dru Blood – Liveblog of Blogging While Black » I so very much wish I were at SXSW with these folks. These are some of my favorite writers/bloggers, all together and talking about their blogging world. Ah, man, I am so envious of the people there. IQ Since "The Bell Curve" » BlackGayBlogger.com » 31 Days of Design – Day 30 » Yee-ow. Not for the kids. sister outsider, "Overheard" » She says, "This is what I’m saying to you man. Racism doesn’t exist." He agrees. "Racism is just a figment of your imagination."

  • Uncategorized

    Feed a starving child

    Oh, look! For only 160 hours out of my life, I’ll do at least 19 more damage on every spell I cast. I just got two percent better. For 160 hours? That’s a month of full-time work. That’s an approximate economic value of $16,000 dollars at contractor’s wages. That’s 44 years of feeding a starving child somewhere in the world, every day of his life. (From The Sword of Courteous Debate‘s “I like gaming“, courtesy of Elf.) I wonder about this sort of thing every time I hear someone start talking about World of Warcraft, and particularly when the discussion lasts more than about 30 seconds. That’s the sign that…