Midnight linkage
Nev. Proposal Raises Evolution Questions – Yahoo! News » Courtesy of Elf Sternberg, this makes for interesting (if sad, for those that violently push for evolution only to be taught in schools) reading.
Cho knows how to do it
Because I don’t care about food, it is there when I want it, I don’t crave it and want it and think about it. Since I can have everything, nothing is that important. I don’t need to eat a whole cake because I can eat a whole cake every day every meal if I want and I don’t care. I don’t prepare to eat because I might be hungry later and ‘they’ won’t have what I have to eat. When I am hungry, I eat. You know, that is what the weird diet is. Margaret Cho’s “Fuck It Diet“
Oh, dear.
I may be slowly killing Dr. McKnuckleberry. I wonder if I will go down as his most stubborn and argumentative newspaper editor?
Midnight linkage
Researchers mimic high-pressure form of ice found in giant icy moons » Scientists rock. 🙂 Part-time pulsar yields new insight into inner workings of cosmic clocks » Sweet.
A lonely journey
My weight is something I struggle to understand and tame. It’s something I’ve been actively fighting with since my freshman year of college, and the best analogy I have for the process is trying to grab a fallen bar of soap in the shower. Sometimes you can grab on (as I did that first year), only to lose it again a moment later.