• On Life and Love

    A small bit of nail-chomping.

    I’ve been thinking pretty hard this past week or so about the style of management I’m going to take in regards to the paper. I’d initially figured I’d be filling Luke and Bob’s shoes: being the face and front of the newspaper, rubbing elbows with the [relative] bigwigs, becoming famous. Because Luke and Bob are famous on this campus. When there’s a difficult interview or meeting to handle, they’ve always been right in front, making it known that the Thorn Was There. I don’t see that as my job as Editor-in-Chief. I don’t care if my name is reknown on campus–all that means is that more people are likely to…

  • On Life and Love

    Round and round.

    Things currently on my mind: my SO and our recently-evolved relationship; managerial/leadership styles in relation to the newspaper; the computer architecture exam today; lightening my [emotional] baggage load (or maybe just acquiring some wheels to ease the traveling…); the comp. arch. paper due tomorrow; fixing (again!) the mess that is my lower left leg; and PLC. More interesting and detailed updates to come once I get past some of the schoolwork.

  • On Life and Love

    Post a poem, day 2

    Emily Dickinson, Life, XI: MUCH madness is divinest sense To a discerning eye; Much sense the starkest madness. ’T is the majority In this, as all, prevails. Assent, and you are sane; Demur,—you ’re straightway dangerous, And handled with a chain. All I have to say is: indeed.

  • On Life and Love

    Post a poem, day 1

    Ronn Taylor is celebrating the end of the National Poetry month by posting a poem a day this weekend, starting today. I can jump on that bandwagon. Today, I present Allen Ginsburg’s “Howl“, which captured my attention almost violently on my first reading of it a year ago.

  • On Life and Love

    Wonderful cartoon

    The Sexy Leprechaun drew a cartoon for us this week detailing his opinion of the anti-President Midgley rally being held today. Since I don’t appreciate being torn limb from limb by Luke, Bob, and Dr. McKnuckleberry–and because I didn’t want it associated with the damned good article J. wrote–I decided not to run it. But the cartoon is kinda funny, even from a neutral perspective such as mine. (WO ended up drawing us an angry protester with a big sign showing a question mark. The point was very clear, wasn’t any more offensive than the article was, and went well with the article. I’ll try to post the PDF of…