• On Life and Love

    How many apologies are enough…

    … when you accidently punch your friend in the nuts? It’s not like I meant to, but he attempted to tickle and I thrashed because I didn’t want to be tickled. (Actually, I tend to thrash even when I don’t mind being tickled, but this time I really didn’t want to be tickled.) The next thing I know, his face was contorted and really red and he was cussing and seemed to be having serious trouble breathing and I wondered if I should begin to fear for my life (or his). I’ve been told that sort of thing is really, really painful, so I immediately apologized, of course. Profusely, even.…

  • On Life and Love


    What’s the protocol for asking your current research professor to write a letter of recommendation for another research opportunity, a “sabbatical” of sorts? Eep. We’ll see in a few months if I’ve been working hard enough… *fingers crossed*

  • On Life and Love

    Best Issue Yet

    (News section, pages 1 and 3, PDF. Full paper, pages 1, 3-8, PDF.) I have to say, this week’s Thorn was the best of year thus far. We may get a lotof flaq for our story on the administration, and unfortunately it will probably hit Luke hardest (hence his concern as both writer and a co-editor-in-chief). But holy hell if this wasn’t the most fun, interesting, and pertinent issue I’ve poured energy into putting together. I did the fun gun layout on page 3 (including a picture of a damned sexy Glock), shook up the front page a little, and had three friggin’ awesome stories. I spent the early part…

  • On Life and Love

    Making a decision.

    Fuck the Thorn and school for the next forty-five minutes. This is me time. I need to think. I have a problem. The problem is that my workload is unmanageable. This is sad, because it doesn’t bode well for my success at Rose if seventeen credit hours is enough to bring me down. Regardless, the problem is there. There are a couple of options laying before me that may alleviate some of the stress. Michael has in the past suggesting giving up the Thorn, or at least finding some way to delegate much of the responsibility. This would help. Abstracted, this would be the option to key in on academics.…