• On Life and Love

    It’s been confirmed.

    Barring an inability to get into the classes I want, I will only be taking 13 credit hours next term. Programming Language Concepts, Analytical Chemistry, Computer Architecture II, and research. Yay sleep. Also: research has become fun again. Very fun and very interesting.

  • On Life and Love

    Dearest Deer:

    You will not have my sympathy… …when I am falsely called into lab with a few hours’ notice. …when I am called into lab at 08:00 on a Sunday with only two days notice to clear my schedule. I warned you about this. My schedule is not a flexible one, and I am no longer being paid to do this. …when I arrive in lab to find you have made no attempts to prepare. Why are you sitting there looking at me like a time portal is opening behind me when your samples are still in the ‘fridge? And did you delibrately look at that clock when I came in?…

  • Uncategorized

    You just aren’t listening to me.

    My younger sibling says this (in imitation of our mother) when the Old Man tries to carry on a conversation with her while not really listening to her responses. It’s sad and slightly humourous to watch, because she’ll be talking animatedly and he’ll “uh-huh” repeated until she realizes he isn’t listening. Then she turns whiny and pissed. The fourth week of December, my body began to talk at me. Actually, that’s a fallacy right there, because it’s really always talking to me. I just had very little desire to listen until then. And I only gave it a cursory response when I did listen. Progressively through this school year, I’ve…

  • Uncategorized

    Guilt by association?

    Stolen from my old “twin friend“. Well, not really stolen, since I’m supposed to pass the joint. “Puff, puff, give”, right? Reply with your name (even moderate strangers can do so, as long as I’ve seen your name around here before) and I will write something about you. I will tell you what song[s] remind me of you. Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise. Last, i will try to name a single word that best describes you. *shrug*. Something to try. (What was said about me can be found here.) I blame the Mary J references on Javid, Hillary, and a certain gardener…

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    “No fractures evident in the x-ray”

    That means no more crutches. I am to report to the athletic trainers for rehab as soon as possible, but only between the hours of 09:00 and 11:00. (?!?). Now I must go to class, because I am late. I am still slow, and I am still tired, but I am not broken.