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    It’s amazing how things can develop…

    … in such a manner that I no longer feel safe sleeping in my own room. Last night, the former roommate and suitemate paced the halls, walking past my room at least twice. At that point, I was just glad I stayed in my chair and committed no irrational acts. This morning, Mae, Mae’s father, Mae’s sister, and myself found Mae’s deck to be vandalized. Attempts had been made to kick the supports out, and Tookie, whose nickname I have absolutely no problem posting all over the Internet at this point, spray-painted burned into the wood a lovely message about Mae on the deck. Vandalism. The former roommate also seems…

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    Lissa Leg Lovin’ 101, Quiz 1; 70%

    Conversation with Mae: Mae: –like a gazelle. I’m so jealous of your legs, Liss.Me: What? They’re fat. And butch.Mae: That’s because you have muscle.Me: Hm. Well. She’s right. I’m fully aware of the benefits of the strength of my legs; I threw around a lot of weight today moving Mae into her new room with absolutely no problem because I know how to use my legs to carry the bulk of added weight. This doesn’t make my legs nice, though. This makes them functional. I’m vain enough to be moderately concerned with physical appearance, and I know mine is lacking. My legs are scarred by both the heinous case of…

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    I am unbelievably livid right now. I spent a couple hours earlier today moving Mae out of her room in my residence hall to another room across campus. I don’t feel comfortable spilling all the details of roommate nightmare Mae has been going through this past three weeks, but suffice it to say that I was already glad I didn’t run into her former roommate. I refrained from sending criticism when the decision was made to displace Mae because I couldn’t find a way to word it such that I would come across more hard-hitting than “bitching, complaining, subjective friend.” This, however, is her roommate’s response to Mae’s departure. In…