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    Shopping with the Old Lady…

    … who continues to try to get me to buy and wear shirts with V-necks and other things to show of the… girls. Bad Mom. She also wants me to wear girl pants. Tight ones. I own the obligatory pair of tight pants. No more. So we went to Old Navy today, because many of the girls I hang out with swear by it for pants that fit “real” people. No offense to said ladies, but these are apparently women with more “normal” proportions. My legs are still larger than is proportional for my waist/butt, so what fits comfortably at the waist makes my legs feel like they’re locked in…

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    A run and a physical

    Another forty-five minutes on the treadmill this morning. I’m kicking the music tomorrow, because the shoulder pain is worsening. I had a physical this morning. Blood pressure was a little high (130/90), weight was 161 pounds, but the doc proclaimed me to be in wonderful health. They’re doing a complete blood workup, which will test for anemia, thyroid issues, lipids, glucose, and a variety of other things that could affect livers and kidneys and other itsy bitsy organs.

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    So it’s all kinds of funny when your friend gets in your car…

    … all steeled for a grilling and series of questions and inquisitiveness. I felt bad for disappointing Rackrent by not probing. Hannah, Rackrent and I did Indian food for dinner, and I spent most of the ride to pick up Rackrent trying to jar myself out of my introspective mood. This included blasting Justin Timberlake and driving fast. About halfway to her house, I realized this simply wasn’t going to work, so I put on Tool, which I’d been listening to all day. I can’t do my recent level of questioning in a group setting. If I focus on one person, my attention is broken by the other chiming in…

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    Interactions versus personality/motive/words–some questioning rambling with no real conclusions

    The question du jour is, “Which one ‘weighs’ more?” Some would say words and personality are not concrete things, while interactions and actions are, and can thus be judged. But people are whimsical. They frequently enjoy doing things without thought, and some of these things are one-shot deals. So how much can one [validly] judge these? Then there’s the question of how “concrete” actions are. So someone blows up at you. Or, to take a better and more relevant example, say someone perpetually asks “why?” The question itself (“why?”) is going to be applied liberally in almost every conversation. But so is the reasoning behind the question and the chain…

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    "Huffing and puffing", indeed.

    This morning’s run was difficult. Twenty-two minutes in, I still hadn’t “settled in” and was becoming more and more tense. So I walked for several minutes and picked up again for about twelve minutes. Walked for about three minutes, ran for another seven, and cooled down, making a total of about 48 minutes of workout time. Tomorrow is very much going to be a rest day. A muscle on the outside of my left thigh is achy, my left shin is getting that bruised feeling, and I feel very tired and drained. Why my left leg always acts up more than my right one, I don’t know. I suspect the…