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    Feeling tested, anyone?

    The Thorn meeting was interesting last night. I am very much being tested, despite the facade (at least on Luke’s part) of simply incorporating me into the chain of command when money decisions are being made because they will influence my reign (should I have a reign). So I stepped up to the plate. Luke is a computer whore who will spend (squander?) on computer things when they aren’t needed for smooth functioning of the Thorn. Bob likes pretty things, like sexy monitors. I think people can feel free to bring their own damn laptops (particularly given that everyone junior year or lower will have laptops capable of running the…

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    Weepy Wednesday

    Weepy Wednesday is characterized by four hours of sleep and inadequate physical recovery for a run, even intervals. So I walked. Slowly. The point was just to warm up enough to be able to stretch for a while without doing myself harm. Tuesday’s weightlifitng: Bench: 25 pounds, 1 set to failure, 9 repsLat pulldown: 144 pounds, 1 set nearly to failure, 10 repsShoulder press: 10 pounds (4.54 kg), 1 set to failure, 10 repsTricep pushdown: 48 pounds (21.8 kg), 1 set to failure, 10 reps Bad form again on the triceps. I just didn’t have the focus for a good workout yesterday. I think I want to (re-)incorporate the leg…

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    Present Living

    Conversations with Jenn and the Cool CS Guy have me thinking about where I live in terms of time–past, present, future, or some combination of the three. There are people that live almost exclusively in the past and future–for anything to have meaning, to be important, it must have longevity and be “permanent”. The idea of death as simply an end to existence is enough to inspire fear, because the ultimate desire is to be able to exist in some permanent, unchanging state forever. All plans for the future (including afterlife thoughts) revolve around creating a stable base or on proving that one’s existence is not “merely” a brief blink…

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    I want this.

    From a Cool Running thread on unsupportive mothers: Most important is looking healthy. That is the most important thing that makes a woman look good. Most women don’t realize that. I can’t stomach those women who starve themselves, don’t exercise, and have all the figure of a wet noodle. Those women look dead in their faces. Nothing in their eyes. Please believe me. The best looking women are ones that look healthy…no matter what they weigh or what their shape. I’ll never forget running with a club one day. It was the weekend long run. There was this one gal who wasn’t the most experienced runner. But not quite a…

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    T’ree-mile Tuesday

    T’ree-mile Tuesday was hard. It was completed (!!!), but slowly (12:48 pace) and with much [inexplicable] pain in my right shoulder. I’m tempted to ask someone who actually knows something about running (like my x-country friend C.) for tips on arm-swing/upper-body posture. But I did run three miles, although I didn’t have the reserves to move terribly fast at the end, and I was surely counting down my last four laps. Note to self: drink more water when you sweat so much at night. Salt on one’s face after a run is never a good thing. Update: Based on my level of fatigue today after the three-mile jaunt, I’m tempted…