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    Tip o’ the Day: eTapestry and NuSOAP 0.9.5

    This is my first usage of NuSoap, and in crafting up my current eTapesty API integration project, I kept getting the following WSDL error: wsdl error: XML error parsing WSDL from https://sna.etapestry.com/v2messaging/service?WSDL on line 1: Not well-formed (invalid token)

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: Games, Books, and People

    This week’s internet cruising: EA takes games from Steam – Hilariously written, and found because I was eyeballing Dragon Age 2 to see if it still comes with Mass Effect, as it did once. …Not that I want DA2. I haven't finished the first one yet. Abortion may be legal, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get one – Includes numbers from a rather large sample-size survey that was done. Showcase of Inspiring Arabic Calligraphy Artworks – Just a compilation post, but gorgeous. Showed up on my news feed. Made me feel shocked,… | – Aw, hell no.

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    Last PT Session… For Now

    So I got an MRI last Friday, and set up an appointment for next Monday (the 22nd) for the sports doc to review it. But the PTs have access to my electronic charts, so they thought they could review it for me on Tuesday. They forgot, so they said they’d take a look at it by this morning. The boss PT (who is the one with access) ultimately decided that it’d be better if the sports doc did the analysis. …How worrying is that? I’m pretty sure she peeked.

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    Mass Effect: How Can I Go Back to Fallout 3?

    I can’t imagine myself playing Mass Effect three years ago, but I’m thoroughly awed now. Greg supplied me with a video of Mass Effect‘s heroine being a badass last week and I mentioned that it convinced me to install and fire up the game. Excellent choice. Unfortunately, I’m not done with Fallout 3 yet, and ME is such a better game. Mostly. That is, if you leave off the vehicle driving, which often ends up with me careening up the sides of roads, cliffs, and mountains like a drunken BMXer.