• On Life and Love

    Crocheting and Knitting: Having the MIPS

    Um, that’s more this kind of MIPS, not that. I haven’t been a heavy crocheter since shortly after I left teaching in early 2008, but way back then, I started a blanket. It’s a gorgeous design, and I picked the colors based on the decor of a friend’s house. I don’t keep up with him anymore–and he’s married, so no telling what his house is like these days–but I still love the blanket. It’s wide: wider than 6 feet, which makes doing each row a painfully long endeavor. My favorite times to crochet (and knit, whatever) are when I’m watching television or on long car rides. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I’ve…

  • On Life and Love

    Chapter 12 of Witches Posted

    Happy Friday! I present to you Chapter 12 of the Witches of Ming Ung, “Making Peace“: Hardi scoffed. “Give it up. Give us the antidote. They’ll get you eventually, and another ten thousand people might be dead in the meantime.” His jaw set, but he didn’t say anything. “I’ve got a deal for you…” taunted Hardi. I want to go home and play with my computer now.

  • Uncategorized

    I’m a Betazoid Scientist!

    Too bad I haven’t figured out how to use my science skills yet… I tried my hand at the Star Trek MMO Saturday night as I was avoiding standing up, sitting down, or walking up and down the stairs in our house. I generally stay away from MMOs: I don’t like internet video game people, I’m prone to throwing myself into video games for hours, and MMOs seem to be geared towards grinding. Greg’s explanation–and this makes sense–is that it’s a server resource necessity to try to lock people up in personal instances of the game (dungeons, etc.) instead of in the shared world. (Edit: Two different issues, per Greg’s…

  • Uncategorized

    Four Cores, Baby!

    I mentioned last week that I had a mostly new computer coming in. The case arrived on Monday (filthy teasing UPS), and the CPU and mainboard arrived last night. Folks, this thing is a computer. Going from a single-core 2.4 GHz processor to a quad-core 3 GHz may completely change how I view my computer. I’m serious.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: behavioral advertising icon – Coincidentally crossing my plate right after this tidbit of narrow-sightedness (see Greg’s comment there, too), I had to cackle a bit. I like the idea of disclosing–all the time, not just when you register for a service–that a site is gathering your behavioral information. I also agree that a weird triangle icon in the midst of a column of ads (text or image) won't get noticed and won't make sense. Release management, or “How to de-version your app” – Nice examination of the thought processes behind an app being released as a "beta", but not labeled as such, along with the classic…