• On Life and Love

    YouTube + rap = time gone…

    A secret shame (one of many): I can spend hours watching freestyling on YouTube. If I hear some random rapper on Pandora, the next thing I know I’m watching stuff like the ones below and laughing at a whole slew of things they might not’ve intended to be funny. (The second rapper in this video is a kid I heard on Pandora doing “Chip Diddy Chip“. The first guy I could do without…) or British accents let rappers put an odd twist on their rhymes — they can put lines together that kind of twist my brain a little. It’s fun.

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee (del.icio.us) links!

    These are my links for September 23rd through October 14th: Encryption Misinformation – The Daily WTF – "In the "Utilities" file there are two functions for obfuscating text, one was a simple ROT13 function and the other was a perfectly viable implementation of an AES encryption function pulled from a programming site…" However, after seeing how the application authorizes a user's login information, Rick can't fathom why the original developer went through the trouble. Remember The Milk – Blog – I'm experimenting with moving away from paper, since I have this handy-dandy iWone now. "In this post I’ll show you how to use RTM Lists, Tags, Smart Lists, and Locations…

  • On Life and Love


    So, I was glancing through some photos on Facebook from the Hannah/Alex wedding this summer (where the back of my head was camera-happy, evidently), and I realized that my locs are kinda awesome. I’ve done a pretty good job of weaning myself off of being all hair-ful and stuff, but the photos surprised me a bit. There’s color variation I wasn’t expecting, and… personality. They’re moderately “mature” now — I’ve had them for about a year and a half, and while I’m not sure if they’ll tighten up more, they’re definitely well-entrenched. I used to (and still do) ogle the locs of other folks when I’m out and about; now…

  • On Life and Love

    A touch of blackness and a slathering of iPhone

    I think that I shall be more of a bitch when people question my ethnicity. That is all. I finally got myself an iPhone (or “iWone”, as I call it) last weekend, and I’m generally impressed. It’s worth the $100 and increase in monthly bills (esp. with the corporate discount I have), since I can afford to swing it. It’s definitely a luxury item, of course, but mos def a convenient one. One disappointment: no read-aloud of driving directions on the 3G. I don’t have a lot of apps at the moment, and I’ve only purchased one: PopCap’s Bookworm — which has proven to me how unsharp I’ve let myself…

  • On Life and Love

    Shenanigans with an insurance salesperson

    So I’m trying to get life insurance. Just 20-year level term life insurance. It’s supposed to be cheap and easy to get. Some of the big dogs won’t do online quotes, New York Life in particular. So I agreed to meet with a local agent yesterday morning and let him talk at me over coffee. Yes, coffee, which I don’t go for often. Luckily, it was at Panera Bread, so the coffee was pretty good, although a little aged. We go through the usual rigmarole of “Oh, you used to be a teacher? So did I!” After the meeting, I think I knew pretty well why he ultimately left teaching,…