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    Sims 2 — hits all the right spots

    Having a game dork for an SO means that I’m always analyzing what I like and don’t like about games, and if I can’t figure it out in a repeatable enough manner, I ask him. Sims 2 might be my favorite game. Like, ever. It’s nearly impossible to lose, it consists of endless construction (of the people-sort, not the stuff-sort), and the replayability is redunkulous. So I bought myself Sims 2 and pre-ordered Sims 3 this weekend. And promptly lost my weekend in a bright purple world. I love purple. I’m hoping that Sims 3 fixes the time issues that Sims 2 has. You know, the issues where you can’t…

  • On Life and Love

    Another hubris-eaten “hero”

    I watched most of Death Note this weekend; the first 27 eps. I love(d) it. But the main character has hit his peak and is obviously going to fall in the same ol’ hubris-infected way. I’m told there’ll be good filler along the way, but the end is predictable and predicted. American Gangster did the same thing. Great character, same old crumbling under the weight of his own power. I want to see the bad guy win. Or at least not fail in that way. I don’t want a cheesy or easy win, but if Light had triumphed over L (and I mean really triumphed, not let himself get roped…

  • On Life and Love

    More D & D racism

    I love how just one day after I posted a link about racism in D & D, I played in the most racist D & D game (one-shot) I’ve ever had the misfortune of being in. Every Halfling was a “peck” (I don’t really get that), we were reminded again and again about how dwarves are so “resourceful” and “industrious”, and well, you know how those swamp women are. Half-elves aren’t just half-elves, they’re disgusting half-breeds, and the NPCs had to play up asking the full elves whether they’d be willing to work with one. I think the GM was going for gritty realism — after all, real people are…