On Life and Love
Whatever is making or breaking my day.
Getting things done: choices
Months ago, Elf Sternberg quoted Scott Westerfield who quoted Raymond Chandler as saying, [T]here should be a space of time, say four hours a day at least, when a professional writer doesn’t do anything else but write. He doesn’t have to write, and if he doesn’t feel like it, he shouldn’t try. He can look out of the window or stand on his head or writhe on the floor. But he is not to do any other positive thing, not read, write letters, glance at magazines, or write checks. Write or nothing. Whether it’s writing, classwork, or drawing, it comes down to the same thing. I found myself floundering just…
Locs, part deux
About a month ago, I started down the journey to locs again. The comb coils from a couple of months back hadn’t worked, but this time I tried a technique I hadn’t seen on the internet: I just rubber-banded my hair into sections. They looked like little puffs (or even bantu knots) for a while, and I got a lot of Matrix comments. About a week ago, there was enough growth for me to start latching, although I needed to keep the rubber bands on. I latched. Yay. I couldn’t get them clean, however. I workout almost daily, and I just couldn’t shampoo enough to get the roots clean (the…
A fat rant
The visible comments on YouTube for this comment are not enlightening — your typical array of, “Yeah, don’t hate fat people!” “Fat people are all going to die at age 30 of heart attacks!” and “Fatty fatty fat fat!” Yeah. Anyway. I think she raises some valid points. A lot of people do put their lives on hold for an arbitrary weight. Plenty of people who’ve been overweight for years or decades have no realistic idea of what their “ideal” weight should healthily be, but they get fixated on some number (usually around 130 lb. for women) and strive to hit it, closing their eyes to how they look or…
This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn Weighted Sissy Squat — Weighted or unweighted, this is one of my favorites in terms of difficulty. Tagged as: [health exercise]
News(?) from Georgia Tech
After not hearing a damn thing from the Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. Program for months, I emailed them to ask if there was some problem. All my documents show as being in, all letters of recommendation done months ago, etc. The response? “A first round of offers was made, and all other applicants were placed on a waiting list. Unfortunately, it appears that the class will fill up and no offers will be made to applicants on the waiting list.” So presumably, I’m on that waiting list. Which is really a rejection list, since no offers are being made to them. Regardless, I’m questioning further, just in case I was offered…