• On Life and Love

    APW 2013: Degendering

    (This is second in a series of posts about Atlanta Poly Weekend 2013.) Puck: Hi, I’m Puck. Me: I’m Melissa. Puck: What’s your preferred pronoun? Me: Um? “She.” Puck: Mine’s “they.” I’ve never been asked my preferred pronoun before.

  • On Life and Love

    Pleasant Mobile App: Guidebook

    I’m going to a conference this weekend, so I’ve been preplanning all my time slots (double- and triple-booked, of course, as I do). My last conference was DragonCon, and it used a DragonCon-branded mobile app that was built using Core-Apps’ EventLink and FollowMe platforms. It really struggled to keep up with the heft of DragonCon–every load of or task-switch to the app checked the servers for event info and friends’ statuses, I don’t think Twitter postings worked, and the app crashed pretty frequently on my iPhone 4, particularly when network conditions were bad. I really, really hope DragonCon switches to Guidebook this year. The conference this weekend is much smaller…

  • On Life and Love

    Choosing the Unconventional Path

    Last year, Greg and I expanded the boundaries of our relationship pretty drastically. It went really badly, but has resulted in an immense amount of growth for me: I’ve never been so independent within this relationship, so free to say “no” and feel my feelings without justifying or suppressing them. And here you all probably thought I was kick-ass assertive 24/7.

  • On Life and Love

    Full-on Sprain

    So remember when I hurt my ankle the other Sunday? It stopped getting better and started getting worse. Guess I shouldn’t have done those other two runs and the two yoga sessions that week. Out of fear that I might have a small fracture situation, I went to urgent care yesterday. The initial read of the X-ray didn’t show a fracture, so we’re assuming it’s “just” a sprain at this point. Ligaments are creepy. Unfortunately, that means no running, no lower-body weight-lifting, no yoga for at least two weeks. Which is pants. I’m in an aircast at the moment, and that feels so much better. It requires a bit of…