Top Ten Ways Not to Say "No"
Post deleted due to unbelievably poor taste and a lack of discretion. And a fair amount of self-loathing. Recommencing studying…
Yeah, I so hate it when that happens.
I hate it when I’m having an [extremely odd] conversation with a friend and the mere subject matter makes me feel like I’m betraying another friend, although there is absolutely nothing being said that could possibly even seem to be related except in the convoluted contours of my mind. I want to take Diff. Eq. II just so I can learn about these convolutions (?) and transformations that could have been so useful in Probability this term… I also want to see if I’ll enjoy doing them as much as I’ve enjoyed doing other DE things. So I’m a “plug and chug” girl. What else explains why I’m doing so…
Titled: "’Y’ Can’t I Be Normal?"
Subtitled: “Coping with your chromosomes.” Dr. 7 is such a funny, funny guy. How is he gonna rib on an inebriated Luke for making a slip-up in thinking women have Y chromosomes? And the night’s not over…
Holy shiznit.
My DISCO II professor just got changed. I suspect I am unbelievably fucked. Big V’s advice was to drop the course and take something else (Diff Eq. II?), but I also very much want to get this sequence over with so that I never have to count again. If I’m spending four to six hours a night on homework from someone who is supposedly the best prof at Rose on the subject, what in tarnation am I going to do with this prof, who Dr. 7 (in particular) has gone out of his way to avoid having?
How is it only 21:00?
I feel like I’ve been at work for significantly more than two hours… Ugh.