Forty-five minutes, 4 miles
See above. Average pace around 11:20 min/mi. Remarkable about today’s SRC run was the beautiful piece of eyecandy on the rowing machine. Intensity in a compactly-built person-sized package.
Good times studying
While I do get along and like my roommate, living with a roomie is a rather restrictive setup. Not bad, but restrictive. For instance, I can’t blare the same 12 Metallica songs on repeat all night while dancing, singing, and studying DISCO in my room under most circumstances. That would just be rude as hell. But no one is going to complain about the loud music in the Union at 01:00, because no one’s here. Nothing wrong with making DISCO fun, since I’m relying on an “ah-ha” at this point to get me through the test successfully.
Faster, faster!
I held an average 11:12 pace for a thirty minute run today. Wow. It was 11:19 for the first 19-ish minutes, then ranged from 10:42 to 11:06 for the remainder. I’m not even specifically working at it, and I’m getting faster… It seems distinctly possible that I could soon be running 10-minute miles… Who’da thunk it?
Funny interaction to shake off the sleepiness.
So I’m sitting at my desk working probability problems when all of a sudden, a guy in my differential equations and discrete math classes comes running across the hall to my door. “Oh my god. You’re in DISCO, DE, and probability? You’re insane!” So I’m learning, guy. I’d mentioned in DE on Thursday or Friday that I was in “proba-damn-bility” (which the prof is famous for saying), and this guy didn’t make the connection until just now. Hehe. After confirming that I’m insane and disbelieving the notion that I don’t like all math, just Calculus/DE, he trudged back across the hall, still shaking his head.
Cutting back.
14:00 today will mark the twentieth hour I have spent on one of my research projects this week. Twenty hours. I’m being paid for four, and I have time for eight if they are on Saturdays. This does not equal twelve hours during the week plus nine or eleven more on Saturday. Particularly when I have three exams I’m not ready for (plus one I am) next week. I cannot do this. Dr. M is looking into hiring someone to help me, and I shall soon be working exclusively on Saturdays. She now knows she’s not going to be able to drag me off campus for the undergrad conference next…