Definitely worth some linkage.
For the sake of sheer coolness and writing ability, if nothing else (like the relevance to a lot of people I know right about now), I present “Breezy Ain’t Easy“. Jason wins. Although I do have to wonder where the equivalent is for those of us that don’t even try to be breezy… “Being Loopy and Psychotic Ain’t Easy, Either”? Hey, what do I know?
Smile. It’s good for you.
So… I’m feeling better. The mental/emotional boat is rockin’ a lot less severely, even if the anxiety and jumpiness haven’t completely abated. And I’m keeping food down again, which is always a plus. (Particularly after a two-day stint without…) I pulled something of a preemptive strike on my chemistry prof and e-mailed him Sunday night to tell him I knew I bombed another exam, that I would be willing to take a (non-credit) exam in a week or two to show that I can, in fact, master this material, and that Dr. M is helping me understand things. Hideous as this sounds, the good news is that about half the…
Needing a weekend from my weekend.
I don’t know what is wrong me right now, but I am a mess, and it needs to stop. I’ve been crying all weekend randomly, my stomach is is knots and is completely refusing to hold anything I put in it, and I am so tired. A week in review: Last Sunday, I got news that two of my bestest friends ended their four-year relationship. Four damned years. Talking on the phone with one of them that night didn’t alleviate my fears of something drastic happening when I could do absol-fucking-lutely nothing about it. Not that it was anything that was said, but four-year relationships can hardly be ended without…
And here I thought the rain was over
I didn’t think I could still cry over an exam. I just failed another exam in chemistry. I failed my first one, got a low A on the second one, and just finished bombing the third one (worse than the first) fifteen minutes ago. I got back to my room, packed for my trip to Indy this evening, and was on my way back to the Thorn office when Mae saw me and asked what was up. I then proceeded to break down and cry like a big fucking baby in the middle of the hallway, complete with sobs and blubbering. I cleaned up a bit, made it down to…
Well, now, isn’t this cute?
I read this (from ZDNet UK)… “It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to stick with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high TCO [total cost of ownership], our lack of a sexy vision at times, and many other difficulties […] Customers constantly evaluate other desktop platforms, [but] it would be so much work to move over that they hope we just improve Windows rather than force them to move.” …as I sit in the Thorn office running Windows, and find myself hoping this whole “David” thing isn’t a hoax. I’m not a Microsoft hater, really (I have fun with ASP, after…