Weekly Linkage: With a Bit of Politics
This week’s internet cruising: EJ Flavors – Cupid’s Hunt 2012 – Lost And Found: The Lost – An excellent Valentine's Day mix by EJ Flavors. Yeah, I know it's barely even February anymore, but Angela Bofill's "I Try" puts chills up my spine whenever I hear it. Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year’s End – NYTimes.com – I'm totally going to want to be an early adopter of these. If they seem promising, it'd be worth switching to contact lenses for. World population statistics – I always like these types of infographics. ^_^ Slavery By Another Name – I heard this on my local NPR station the other…
Wednesday Weekly Winkage
Not, of course, limited to Wednesdays. Today just happens to be one. …Barely. I shall open with a video of Nayna, my belly dance instructor, from a couple of months ago: I’m somewhere off to the left, wishing I’d brought my own camera. This was after class, so I don’t feel bad about watching my instructor dance instead of dancing myself. Posie Gets Cozy: Well, Things Fell Apart – Sadness.”For six days, as we waited for the results of the DNA test, we loved her with our whole hearts…” 10 things the iPhone Siri will help you get instead of an abortion | The Raw Story – “Ask in New…
Tastee linkage
The upgrade to WordPress 2.5 meant that my plugin for posting links went away for a while. There may be a duplicate or two towards the bottom of this list, but I have culled it a bit. Big, Brass Ones: Threat Level exploits cross-site scripting bug on CIA.gov – Boing Boing Gadgets – This is pretty dang slick. I need to find out how they've done that, exactly. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » JC Denton: Not Just a Tough Guy – The clothing of Deus Ex. "I felt ridiculous having these philosophical and political conversations while dressed as a Morpheus cosplayer." The Swamp: Obama: Won't ask, don't mind tellin'…