Tons of Videos!
Actually, like 3 videos. But they’re good ones! Plus a few miscellaneous links. First, a video: My question: Why can’t he pull out a chair? Turns out, home skillet has a bad back. To offset that, a bit of cuteness: Maximumble – comic #594 – Ship. Mew.
Weekly Linkage: Art, Science, and Spirituality
It’s been a hot minute since I posted any links. Apparently this is also the Elf Sternberg addition, since three of his posts appear here. Good stuff. Lands of Dream Donation Drive – Jonas is doing one of the coolest donation drive ideas I’ve seen. Donate, and receive a detailed description and beautiful picture from the Lands of Dream. What in the hell is the Lands of Dream? Go play The Book of Living Magic. Took me about an hour (I read every description!), and everything about it is gorgeous: the art, the writing, and the music. Then take a look at some of the art/writing that Verena and Jonas…