• On Life and Love

    Happy Birthday, Homeboy

    Greg’s birfday was yesterday, and at this point I think he’s had a solid five days of celebrating. His parents flew in from Scottsdale, Arizona on Thursday, as his father’s birfday was Saturday. Party time! We ate ridiculous amounts of local food, enjoyed local truffles, and generally had a local-resident-as-tour-guide time, aside from the fact that outdoor activities were off-limits due to the cold. It was an emotionally complicated visit, but I’m glad for it. Greg and I both came away with a tangled mixture of mourning and resolve. Can resolve be tangled? Anyway, Deana and I decided to keep his birfday on Monday simple, since it’d be in the…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: The Long Edition

    At some point in the last 2 weeks, I had 0 unread items in Google Reader. It was a short-lived, joyous experience, but this is the result of my web branching: HCG Diet Dangers: Is Fast Weight Loss Worth the Risk? – MSN Health & Fitness – Healthy Living – "But the so-called hCG diet is either a weight-loss miracle or a dangerous fraud, depending on who's talking. The plan combines drops or injections of hCG, a pregnancy hormone, with just 500 calories a day." I don't even have words for how stupid this sounds. And how unhealthy. "Yeah, I'm going to shoot up with a hormone and engage in…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: APW Book Club: Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed, Round II « A Practical Wedding – Not all choices are empowering. "Because here is the thing: the more we talk about marriage here, the more I worry. I worry that we’re being given the illusion of lots of options, and the reality of really sh*tty options. I worry that the sh*ttiest of options (over-work, under-appreciation, enormous sacrifice) are being sold to us under the guise of 'independent womanhood,' instead of under the guise of 'life is hard sometimes, and you can make it through, but you should fight for things to be easier.' I worry when I hear about…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekend linkage

    Just a few, since I’m so far behind on my reading (down to 425 unread items!) and I just posted a set on Friday. Enjoy. How to Help Your Kids Build $25,000 Stock Portfolios – This is a tempting idea even with regards to something like weddings. "Help us retire together without having to eat pork-n-beans." …Naw, that doesn't work as well as with kids. 18 Five-Minute Decluttering Tips to Start Conquering Your Mess | zen habits – Since I haven't dedicated a full weekend to clearing out junk in a while, stumbling across this article was quite nice. Baby steps. Designing Microsites: Factors To Consider – Again, this is…