Quasi-daily linkage
A new “onload” scheme – Easy! Reader – This is a really clever way to avoid having page-specific JavaScript files (which I've done on larger projects). Tomorrow’s Women, Tomorrow’s World – A more British look at the decline of women in the IT industry. Clients From Hell : Of course I want it today! If I want it tomorrow,… – Um, yes. I love "Clients From Hell." YouTube – Let's Play Wizardry 8 – Honestly. Someone recorded playing Wizardry 8. It's in 64 parts. feveredwritings: The Complications of Discussing Prejudice – Greg tackles a racism discussion and gets popped in the mouth unfairly. Interesting discussion ensues. Oleg Sych – »…
Tastee (del.icio.us) links
Links for April 17th from 17:33 to 19:07: Push-ups giving women a bad rep – I am all about doing full-length pushups. Anyway, this article is a good look at the value of pushups and what the reputation of women being unable to do them means for gender issues in our society. globeandmail.com: Women runners: Let fat be the fuel that helps you cross the finish line – This is something interesting — the relationship between fat intake and running injuries. I can see the correlation, but the causation is lacking. They mention lacking energy for basic bodily functions — why not just advise folks to eat more calories?
Tastee linkage
The upgrade to WordPress 2.5 meant that my plugin for posting links went away for a while. There may be a duplicate or two towards the bottom of this list, but I have culled it a bit. Big, Brass Ones: Threat Level exploits cross-site scripting bug on CIA.gov – Boing Boing Gadgets – This is pretty dang slick. I need to find out how they've done that, exactly. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » JC Denton: Not Just a Tough Guy – The clothing of Deus Ex. "I felt ridiculous having these philosophical and political conversations while dressed as a Morpheus cosplayer." The Swamp: Obama: Won't ask, don't mind tellin'…