Weekly Linkage: Kickin’ It 1995 Style
This week’s internet cruising: 1995 – I loved me some JNCOs. Playing the ‘playing the racism card’ card – "Most of us don't have to bend over backwards not to be seen as racist because we don't go around saying racist things." Pigeonnier – Bee-yoo-tiful. Jim & Sid’s Tiny Houses – Some of these are so cute! Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results – "Google has run a sting operation that it says proves Bing has been watching what people search for on Google, the sites they select from Google’s results, then uses that information to improve Bing’s own search listings. Bing doesn’t deny this." Define Gender Gap?…
Weekly linkage
I’m still flying high from a wonderful 3 hours of dance last night. I had a whole lot of energy, even at the end, and managed to do all right at keeping up. I blame the belly dance show last weekend. There are a fair number of posts this week. I’ve been oot and aboot. Roleplaying Tips: Delegating – I really like the idea of splitting up some of the administrative work in running a game, especially in a game with 5+ people that will be running for a long time. I've seen in a 4-year one-on-one game how difficult it is to keep track of what's happened and who…
Quasi-daily linkage
Net Worth – So true. Buttersafe – The Five Stages – This is a particularly well-done Buttersafe comic. The Gen Y Guide to Personal Finance | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice – A wonderfully concise guide to getting started saving for retirement. There are certain folks (you know who you are) who I want to beat over the head for their resistance to saving for retirement. I'm slow to start because of my loans, but I'm getting there anyway, and I'm aware of how important it is. Congress at the Cash Register: How Financial Reform Could Affect Your Shopping | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News &…
Quasi-daily linkage
I’m Abandoning iPhone Development. Mobile Orchard To Stop Publication. – This is the kind of response I expected to see to Apple's language restrictions. I have yet to decide if I'll keep my iPhone with these increasingly draconian policies. Ommatidia › Desmolish – Gender construction. Robovie-mR2’s puppy dog eyes make it the perfect spy — Engadget – So damn cute. Watch the video. Shoebox » Chuck & Beans – Intentional misspellings. Came up in a comment at Jay Smooth's blog.
Quasi-daily linkage
A new “onload” scheme – Easy! Reader – This is a really clever way to avoid having page-specific JavaScript files (which I've done on larger projects). Tomorrow’s Women, Tomorrow’s World – A more British look at the decline of women in the IT industry. Clients From Hell : Of course I want it today! If I want it tomorrow,… – Um, yes. I love "Clients From Hell." YouTube – Let's Play Wizardry 8 – Honestly. Someone recorded playing Wizardry 8. It's in 64 parts. feveredwritings: The Complications of Discussing Prejudice – Greg tackles a racism discussion and gets popped in the mouth unfairly. Interesting discussion ensues. Oleg Sych – »…