Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising: How to keep someone with you forever – "You create a sick system." I wanted to cry when I read this. Looking Back — Discord&Rhyme – "To be successful at bootstrapping, you have to cut every feature except those you think are absolutely necessary. Then you cut some that you thought that you absolutely had to have. You compromise your design because you need to get the product to market. You ignore automated testing and documentation because your code is too unstable to be held back by rigorous processes." Launching beta, or “How to decide when and where to cut corners” – 200+ Seamless Patterns Perfect…
Quasi-daily linkage
A shorter list, since I’m in Phoenix and don’t want this to sit for a week. ShadyURL – Don’t just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening. – Seems slanted towards race/supremacist terms, which seems odd. For instance, irrsinn.net became http://5z8.info/kkk_a5j3_how-to-stop-immigration-for-good.pdf. Certainly suspicious and frightening. LoadingReadyRun – Son of a Bitch – I don't religiously follow LRR, but I found this video pretty hilarious. Wait for the ending. Your goals suck | Johnny B. Truant – Really good article on getting your priorities right. "You can earn and earn and save and save with the hopes of one day traveling the world, or you can set your priorities straight…
Wishful thinking
Sometimes — often after a boring or frustrating experience at work — I wish that I were somehow gainfully unemployed so that I could more easily do the things I wish to do but am not doing. Writing, coding, reading, running, researching. Then I realize — usually with a sigh — that I must not want these things badly enough if I can’t manage to do the few things I want to do in the 5 – 7 non-working hours I have a day. It’s about that time to sit down and prioritize again.