Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising: louisgray.com: Why I Turned In My iPhone and Went Android – I love this article. I've written before that I'm considering switching, and at this point, it's only the cost of breaking contract that's holding me back. YouTube – heavymedic dance work in progress – unfinished – Y'all know I'm a doc/heavy shipper. Penny Arcade – The Sound Of A Klaxon – Regarding the iPhone 4: "She sees that phone the same way she would see a hat, or a ladle. If you had a ladle and you tried to get soup with the ladle but the soup came out, or fell out, or whatever the…
Quasi-daily linkage
Penny Arcade! – The Universal Analogy – I don't think there's any harm in a bit of mocking humor on the oil spill. If It Was My Home – Visualizing the BP Oil Spill – Courtesy of @markrickert. Awesome visualization. I do not approve | Prometheus 6 – Wells Fargo and the NAACP up to some shady business? The Cure for Income Irregularity | MintLife Blog – This seems like a nice method for planning for irregular income. There will be no history majors coming out of Texas – Um, this mess is crazy. I’d advise against eating shellfish for the rest of your life – Huge plumes of deep-water…
OpenID: why is this so complicated?!
So, I set up a Google Profile in the hopes that I could centralize my identity on the intarwubs using this new-fangled OpenID thing. My first target was Yahoo(!). I know, Yahoo is so not cool, but the Charlotte Camarilla LARPs have their mailing lists there. (Side note: I would totally host and maintain forums on a server for them. Mailing lists are so 1998.). I just wanted to start to sign in with my Google info, because I hate making 15 different profiles. Even Facebook Connect would be fine. Turns out I’m stuck using my antiquated Yahoo(!) account for that (and Flickr). Of course, it wants to be my…
Quasi-daily linkage
Welcome! – Okay, nevermind on the link below. This intro provides some good insight into the Tiny Living thing, which is more than just 60 sq. ft houses. Not sure that I want to downsize my house in particular, but it's an interesting movement. Tiny House In Asheville – I'm increasingly fascinated by this Tiny House movement (and need to do more research on it), although it initially strikes me as a fairly artificial constraint on living. a series of rants – Auntie Pixelante gives good rants. On a non-game-related note (but relevant), I really should stop saying "fail". If I talk to you in person, help me stop saying…
Quasi-daily linkage
My God—it’s full of unicorns! – Meta Stack Overflow – This is hilarious. I'm going to have to play around with this in WP. Dynamic Dummy Image Generator – DummyImage.com – C/o my darling, this is a pretty cool way to generate placeholder images. Alex Payne — On the iPad – This is the best damn commentary on the iPad that I've seen yet. A Toronto Data Guy, I want privacy because I break the law – This is a good essay on privacy and how that related to purposefully and accidentally breaking the law. I like that he doesn't once go into copyright violation (which isn't law breaking, although…