Belly Dance Is Back!
Last December, Nayna found herself without a dance studio, making it rather difficult to teach class. All of her students–me being just shy of one year and ready to move to intermediate–dispersed woefully. We spent all of 2011 nagging the hell out of her. Ten months later (?!), she’s back with an email to the masses the day before classes began. So tonight I dug my hip scarf out from the back of my underwear drawer and giddily bounced my way to the pole-dancing studio where she held class tonight. It was awesome. It was amazing. It was like the first time, except with that fun disjointed experience of your…
Quasi-daily linkage
A shorter list, since I’m in Phoenix and don’t want this to sit for a week. ShadyURL – Don’t just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening. – Seems slanted towards race/supremacist terms, which seems odd. For instance, irrsinn.net became http://5z8.info/kkk_a5j3_how-to-stop-immigration-for-good.pdf. Certainly suspicious and frightening. LoadingReadyRun – Son of a Bitch – I don't religiously follow LRR, but I found this video pretty hilarious. Wait for the ending. Your goals suck | Johnny B. Truant – Really good article on getting your priorities right. "You can earn and earn and save and save with the hopes of one day traveling the world, or you can set your priorities straight…