• On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    Just a few: Passive voice is killing your design documents – " I would argue that if the goal is to communicate clearly, actually stating and explaining the uncertainties is going to be much more helpful to readers." The Size Of Our World – Bad graphical quality, but cool comparison. 6174 (number) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Who comes up with stuff like this? Who sits around adding and subtracting numbers to find patterns? Ta Prohm temple at Angkor, Cambodia – Absolutely gorgeous. 8.4 Million New Yorkers Suddenly Realize New York City A Horrible Place To Live – I don't normally read the Onion (maybe I should!), but this…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: A Beginner’s Guide to Website Feedback – If I can wrap up and launch this damn character sheet app, stuff in this post will be handy for when it betas, especially the surveying. I suspect the LARPing audience will be sufficiently… opinionated to speak on it. Six Useful CSS3 Tools – Some of these are pretty slick, if you're moving into CSS3 development. Sharpening the blade, part MCMXVII: Nine Amazing Hours. – This is incredibly cool, and I plan to use it for a bit and see if it helps me focus. Amazing Examples of Paper Art – I almost hate to link to this, in…

  • On Life and Love

    Two weeks’ linkage, ah, ah, ah

    For two weeks’ worth of links, there aren’t very many. Then again, I do still have 173 unread items in Google Reader. glenscott.net » Restore an Eee PC 701 back to factory Xandros from a USB stick with no ASUS Support DVD – This proved quite handy last night in restoring ol' Tammy to defaults for Greg. The legend of the superprogrammer – "Caper Jones, in an unpublished 1977 study for IBM, found that the very best developers are much more productive than the worst programmer — when working on small projects. The best developer will complete a 1k line of code (LOC) effort 6 times faster than the lousiest.…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: louisgray.com: Why I Turned In My iPhone and Went Android – I love this article. I've written before that I'm considering switching, and at this point, it's only the cost of breaking contract that's holding me back. YouTube – heavymedic dance work in progress – unfinished – Y'all know I'm a doc/heavy shipper. Penny Arcade – The Sound Of A Klaxon – Regarding the iPhone 4: "She sees that phone the same way she would see a hat, or a ladle. If you had a ladle and you tried to get soup with the ladle but the soup came out, or fell out, or whatever the…

  • On Life and Love

    Quasi-daily linkage

    Another vote for "Fragmented" – An awesome article quotation from Elf. I agree with this, and struggle with finding a healthy balance for myself. I enjoy having a smartphone, but still consider it a luxury item (i.e., not necessary to my existence or even my happiness). I even debate getting rid of it and going back to a plain ol' phone (shh! don't tell Greg). I feel like a netbook and a normal cell phone would be enough connectivity for me. If I'm going to break contract on my AT&T/iPhone agreement over Apple's stupidity, maybe I should be looking at doing just that — get a nice, small (!!) cheap…