• On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: Grumpy Heroines, CRUD, and Prison Work

    This week’s internet cruising: Questionable Content – Tool reference! What does English sound like to foreign ears? – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks – An absolutely amazing song and video by an Italian comedian faking English, plus some adorable animal sounds. Why CRUD might be what they want, but may not be what they need – Reading this sent me back to an old client’s site (from almost two years ago), remembering the CRUD-based admin console I developed that was such an incorrect way to go about giving them the functionality they needed. Oy. Renaming Many Files At Once with Pattern Matching in Bash | Andy Regan – This proved very…

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    Too Many Shoulder Muscles!

    Iiiit’s Exercise Time! I’ve had three working physical therapy sessions at this point, and my exercises have evolved a bit from the original posture-related set. We’re aiming for endurance and some strength improvements in the muscles surrounding the shoulder, so I’m doing what is (to me) a mind-numbing number of reps: one set of 20 (last week) or three sets of 10 (this week). I’m accustomed to using heavy enough weights that I do, like, 10. One set. Look at all these shoulder motions (“articulations”) and muscles. I’m not using all of the motions in my work yet–adduction work is still out, as are transverse flexion, abduction, and adduction–but I’m…

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    Physical Therapy: Consultation and Fun Treatments

    My first physical therapy session yesterday was pretty cool, albeit painful. The PT put my shoulder–which was already hurting from busing/backpacking through town–through the usual contortions (*tear*). By the end, she would raise my arm in such a way, push lightly on it, look at my face, and go, “Hmm, I’m not going to put you through that.” Her conclusion was the same as the sports doc: decently likely it’s a small cuff tear. What followed was far more interesting than my usual pain, though. First, I got a therapeutic ultrasound. And the gel was warm! (Quite the novelty in my experience.) I didn’t feel any warmth or hum from…

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly Linkage: A Microaggression, a Game, and Some Dancin’

    This week’s internet cruising: Microaggressions submission – I love microaggressions.com, and this one is actually cute. Learning from Fable III’s UX Mistakes | UX Booth – A nice look at the usability issues of Fable III. Email Management Made Fun | The Email Game – Okay, this is a cute and fun spin on the (in my mind) GTD principle of fast processing an inbox. I got 2375 points in my first game, and 2250 on the second. Make Love, Not Flamewars – bitquabit – I don’t care about mercurial vs. git (I use and enjoy both), but I like the approach of giving up the silly flamewars and debates…

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    Shoulder Update: Steroid Shot!

    I got in to see the rather awesome (medical bill pending) sports doctor at my doctor’s office yesterday, and got my (*tear*) first ever cortisone shot. She ran me through a painful battery of tests (painful because they were designed to find my limits) and determined that, yup, I did a great job of aggravating and maybe worsening my old injury. May have been a small rotator cuff tear back then or now, but the result now is a loosey-goosey shoulder joint (very weak stabilizing muscles) combined with some super-tight (ow) tendons. Given that I can’t take NSAIDs, she recommended the steroid shot. I also start physical therapy next week.…