• On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: YouTube – Shaq Comes Out The Closet Gettin Down To Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams In His Halloween Drag Costume – This is friggin' awesome. That man can work it! 20 Breathtaking Examples of Infrared Photography – Absolutely beautiful. Queuing Systems – Nice introduction to the differences between remote and local queuing systems. A step-by-step guide to wasting less food | Yahoo! Green – There are some good tips here, like saving leftover coffee, or making stuff (muffins, * butters, etc.) with too-ripe or overstocked fruit.

  • On Life and Love

    Engineering marvel

    Okay, maybe not a “marvel”, but I find this furniture incredible (courtesy of The Tiny Life): If I lived alone, I’d totally get a small apartment and use something like their queen space-saving beds. I especially like the Ulisse Dining set. Unfortunately, they don’t list any prices. From the arduous process described in the video, I’d assume it’d be thousands and thousands of dollars. Several of these thousands, even.

  • On Life and Love

    Tastee linkage

    The upgrade to WordPress 2.5 meant that my plugin for posting links went away for a while. There may be a duplicate or two towards the bottom of this list, but I have culled it a bit. Big, Brass Ones: Threat Level exploits cross-site scripting bug on CIA.gov – Boing Boing Gadgets – This is pretty dang slick. I need to find out how they've done that, exactly. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » JC Denton: Not Just a Tough Guy – The clothing of Deus Ex. "I felt ridiculous having these philosophical and political conversations while dressed as a Morpheus cosplayer." The Swamp: Obama: Won't ask, don't mind tellin'…