• On Life and Love

    Your resident nerdy girl

    Saturday night, Dre (Andrea) hosted up a nice sex toy company-sponsored party that I attended. Hilariously enough, I think I was the most knowledgeable there, although it was my first time seeing certain kinds of vibrators in person (ones with rotating beads and swiveling heads). I disapproved of some of the products being sold–muscle relaxants, vaginal tighteners, and desensitizers–but out of safety concerns. The rest of the stuff was pretty cool. Anyway, the party was a blast; Dre seemed worried at the small turnout, but I thought it was great, and her sister was a trip. There was that moment, though… that moment where someone was telling a story or…

  • On Life and Love


    I moved my story from MS Word to LyX (after moving from Google Docs to MS Word two nights ago after hours of flaky Internet), and my word count increased by 4%-ish. That’s worrying, because I can’t find what’s making it increase. In fact, it seems to be counting fewer things as words than Word did. LyX is rather hot. The PDF output of my story (in the “book” document class) is hot. It looks like a book. 🙂 Plus, near-plain text is sexy, and there are fewer things for me to distract myself with in LyX. Fewer buttons and animated things. If I need a distraction, though, there are…

  • On Life and Love

    Ah, vacation.

    My evenings the past couple of days have been going a bit like this: Write for about two hours solid. Browse the NaNoWriMo forums for about 5 minutes. Glance at the Uru Live forums for 10 seconds. If I’m stuck on plot, knit a couple of rows, cursing my cheap, old Walmart yarn (that easily fucking unravels into individual strands!) and lack of skill. Go back to writing for another couple of hours. This way, I’ll complete NaNoWriMo in 8-9 days, get back into knitting quickly, and not be starved for pseudo-human contact!

  • On Life and Love

    Creativity for the win.

    A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I wanted to write three creative works during the week following the post. I didn’t completely succeed, but I did write a private poem and a very, very short Julie Czerneda-like flash titled “Lost Prey“. Eh. The bigger success however, was the Bible as Literature assignment I alluded to last week. The assignment was merely to: “rewrite, retell, and/or revise a story from the Hebrew Bible into a work of fiction, your take on the literature of the Bible.” My response? The core of the debate in the book of Job as hip-hop poetry. It took me a solid week, but I…

  • On Life and Love

    Working together vs. being friends

    There are times when I see people (including myself!) stressing themselves out outrageously over some dispute with another person or organization and I want to go, “Stop. Not everyone you work with needs to like you.” I like it when people like me. At the very least, I like it when people don’t have to struggle to be civil towards me. But there are times when I get to decide that I’m only interested in investing enough energy in certain people to keep them working with me. Furthermore, there are times when, when I think hard about it, I decide that I actually don’t need to work with someone (or…