Weekly Linkage: Google, Politics, and Bees’ Knees
This week’s internet cruising: Coding Horror: Trouble In the House of Google – Jeff isn't the first to point out the problems with Google's search results lately (the content mills are clearly winning, and I swim through a lot of mess to get good results anymore), but he's done a lot of due diligence to try to improve Stack Exchange's rankings over the content scrapers, with mixed results. Excellent post. Sphinx – A better way to write your docs – This looks like an awesome doc writing/management system–I struggle with how much documentation to produce for the internals of a system (i.e. not a publicly exposed API), but I'd definitely…
Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising: APW Book Club: Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed, Round II « A Practical Wedding – Not all choices are empowering. "Because here is the thing: the more we talk about marriage here, the more I worry. I worry that we’re being given the illusion of lots of options, and the reality of really sh*tty options. I worry that the sh*ttiest of options (over-work, under-appreciation, enormous sacrifice) are being sold to us under the guise of 'independent womanhood,' instead of under the guise of 'life is hard sometimes, and you can make it through, but you should fight for things to be easier.' I worry when I hear about…
Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising, in which I was evidently trying to make up for lost time. A Vegan No More | Voracious – This woman went through a struggle to find her health as a vegan… and found that she needed to go back to eating meat. Her journey is well-documented and heart-breaking, although I found her dogmatism rather creepy. She believed very strongly in veganism, and now believes very strongly in omnivorism. Vegan Defector Talks Back | Voracious – Part 2 of the no-longer vegan story. To Teach Your Kids Money Management, Start Your Own Bank – A cute take on teaching kids how to save. I'm still divided…
Weekly linkage
Down to six hundred sixteen unread Google Reader items! Here are some of the coolest of the nearly 200 I’ve read in the last couple of weeks (as well as random surfing, of course): How to Lower Your Heating Bills This Winter – I definitely need to try out lowering our thermostat. We keep it on 72 F in the winter, which we could probably stand to lower by 5-7 degrees if I bundled up more. 9 New High-Quality Free Fonts | Freebies – I really like the Spatha and My Fair Cody fonts on this list. I'm (back-burner) working on a design for charsheet.net, and the styles of those…
Weekly linkage
This week’s internet cruising: Ottawa school board to ask students if they are gay – The Globe and Mail – This is a little weird. Ottawa is going to ask parents of elementary students and middle/high school students themselves about their sexual orientation. Toronto evidently did this already, and "students weren't bothered by it". How to Protest the TSA and Ruin Thanksgiving in One Easy Step — The Good Men Project Magazine – "Oh, and November 24 is the day before Thanksgiving—one of the busiest travel days of the year. That means anyone who chooses to dodge those full-body radiation sarcophagi of X-rated mayhem will gum up the security line…