Tastee (del.icio.us) links!
These are my links for April 26th through May 1st: Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » Do it again, stupid – I can't stand these DIAS types of games. I've dabbled in Tony Hawk, but only when I can beat levels on the first or second try, or when I can make my character fall in fun ways. Shamus perfectly explains why these games annoy the hell out of me. The 7 Commandments All Video Games Should Obey – Page 7 | Cracked.com – Pretty good — and very funny — list of things video games need to be good and/or interesting. David Sirota: The Importance of Black Voters, and…
Tastee linkage
The upgrade to WordPress 2.5 meant that my plugin for posting links went away for a while. There may be a duplicate or two towards the bottom of this list, but I have culled it a bit. Big, Brass Ones: Threat Level exploits cross-site scripting bug on CIA.gov – Boing Boing Gadgets – This is pretty dang slick. I need to find out how they've done that, exactly. Twenty Sided » Blog Archive » JC Denton: Not Just a Tough Guy – The clothing of Deus Ex. "I felt ridiculous having these philosophical and political conversations while dressed as a Morpheus cosplayer." The Swamp: Obama: Won't ask, don't mind tellin'…
Daily tasteeness (2008-03-24)
Must Read: The Twenty Science Fiction Novels that Will Change Your Life I’m going to see if the liberry has any of these books for my perusal. It’s been a minute since I’ve read a novel. Surfer Girl Reviews Star Wars: In case you are not yet convinced. Interesting anecdotal evidence of Obama’s trustworthiness and character.