Quasi-daily linkage
Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans | Video on TED.com – Finally, details on the human-female-ovulation-synchronization idea that I was taught back in Gender Studies. It's a good and funny talk, and not just about that. The League of Moveable Type – Wow. Gorgeous open-source fonts. Race Card: If Successful White Women Can Find Love, Then So Can Successful Black Women | Bitch Magazine – Clients From Hell : Client: “This is absolutely wrong. Where’s all the… – Clients From Hell : Client: “I want my website to have a forum, and a… – All day and twice on Sundays.
Quasi-daily linkage
A new “onload” scheme – Easy! Reader – This is a really clever way to avoid having page-specific JavaScript files (which I've done on larger projects). Tomorrow’s Women, Tomorrow’s World – A more British look at the decline of women in the IT industry. Clients From Hell : Of course I want it today! If I want it tomorrow,… – Um, yes. I love "Clients From Hell." YouTube – Let's Play Wizardry 8 – Honestly. Someone recorded playing Wizardry 8. It's in 64 parts. feveredwritings: The Complications of Discussing Prejudice – Greg tackles a racism discussion and gets popped in the mouth unfairly. Interesting discussion ensues. Oleg Sych – »…
Tastee (del.icio.us) links!
These are my links for June 15th through June 18th: xkcd – A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language – By Randall Munroe – Everyone probably already reads xkcd, but I loved this one. "DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary" By Erika Moen – This whole comic series is amazing, but this particular comic (especially panel #4) had me rolling. I'd probably be arrested if I had a penis, too. An important issue? « I?m just saying? – This author (professor?) and a group of students set up an exhibit exploring white privilege at Seattle Pacific University. I always love discussions of white privilege for the different…
Tastee (del.icio.us) links! (April 21st)
Links for April 21st from 15:32 to 22:38: Michael Jackson's Credit Card – Another absolutely hilarious prank. Read all four pages for a gut-buster of an prank. The Visa Prank – I'd never heard of this prank site before, but this Visa prank is hilarious. Read all three pages of it. Language of the Perpetual Poor | Frugal Dad – I knew a few of these "perpetual poor" types when I was growing up (especially in extended family), but happily, my parents weren't this way. It's a heart-breaking list to read, to me, because I have an acquaintance or two who keep themselves down. Top reasons people don?t budget –…
Tastee (del.icio.us) links!
Links for April 21st from 13:38 to 13:46: Newsweek’s N’Gai Croal On The ‘Resident Evil 5’ Trailer: ‘This Imagery Has A History’ – It’s like they’re all dangerous; they all need to be killed. It’s not even like one cute African — or Haitian or Caribbean — child could be saved. And given […] the not so distant post-colonial history […], why would you uncritically put up those images? Dubious Quality: Race and the Resident Evil 5 Trailer – When zombies don't look enough like zombies and people don't understand their own history.