• On Life and Love

    The “It Gets Better” Project

    In light of the recent LGBT teen deaths, Dan Savage started what’s called the It Gets Better project on YouTube as a way to say to these teens what he wishes he could have before they died: high school is shit and it gets better. I think it’s an awesome project. (Via the Washington Post)

  • On Life and Love

    I Don’t Always Care About Your Animal

    I was talking with a co-worker of mine, and she mentioned how she makes a point not to fawn over her young children around people. She assumes–fairly so–that people may not care to hear stories of every little step and poopie and wall-drawing. If people want to talk about her kids, they’ll bring them up, and she’s happy to oblige with stories. But she’s a person, distinct and individual of her kids, and she recognizes the separation. I’d love for animal people to heed that example. I try not to fawn over my cats when I have company over. (Greg, alas, is regrettably guilty of this.) I love them, and…

  • On Life and Love

    Two weeks’ linkage, ah, ah, ah

    For two weeks’ worth of links, there aren’t very many. Then again, I do still have 173 unread items in Google Reader. glenscott.net » Restore an Eee PC 701 back to factory Xandros from a USB stick with no ASUS Support DVD – This proved quite handy last night in restoring ol' Tammy to defaults for Greg. The legend of the superprogrammer – "Caper Jones, in an unpublished 1977 study for IBM, found that the very best developers are much more productive than the worst programmer — when working on small projects. The best developer will complete a 1k line of code (LOC) effort 6 times faster than the lousiest.…

  • On Life and Love

    The spook who counted her money

    I finished The Spook Who Sat By the Door yesterday morning. Sam Greenlee has one hell of a knack for sharp writing, and regardless of my not being a proponent for militantism, the book struck a chord with me. Greenlee got at the heart of the loneliness of being black in a nation and profession that both expects you to act white “enough” (but only so much) and simultaneously disdains you for doing so (as you disdain yourself). It was and is a fine line to walk. There are going to be spoilers here, but nothing that actually ruins the novelty of the book, I hope.

  • On Life and Love

    Weekly linkage

    This week’s internet cruising: louisgray.com: Why I Turned In My iPhone and Went Android – I love this article. I've written before that I'm considering switching, and at this point, it's only the cost of breaking contract that's holding me back. YouTube – heavymedic dance work in progress – unfinished – Y'all know I'm a doc/heavy shipper. Penny Arcade – The Sound Of A Klaxon – Regarding the iPhone 4: "She sees that phone the same way she would see a hat, or a ladle. If you had a ladle and you tried to get soup with the ladle but the soup came out, or fell out, or whatever the…