
I'll clump web design talk and gadget talk here, I guess.

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    When ignorance is allowed to win

    Or: When to Say No and Bow Out Ungracefully A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a local woman who was trying to get her non-profit of 3 years off the ground. She was looking for grant writers, web-ish folks, etc., and her cause was awesome. I was like, “Sweet! I’ll do a website, help with program organization, and either move on or keep helping if there’s room.”

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    Linux command of the day

    I needed to kill all of the target=_blank’s in a site: grep -lr ' target="_blank"' . | xargs sed -i -e 's/\starget=\x22_blank\x22//g' Ran in about 1 second over ~750 files (unusually fast for grep on my system).

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    OpenID: why is this so complicated?!

    So, I set up a Google Profile in the hopes that I could centralize my identity on the intarwubs using this new-fangled OpenID thing. My first target was Yahoo(!). I know, Yahoo is so not cool, but the Charlotte Camarilla LARPs have their mailing lists there. (Side note: I would totally host and maintain forums on a server for them. Mailing lists are so 1998.). I just wanted to start to sign in with my Google info, because I hate making 15 different profiles. Even Facebook Connect would be fine. Turns out I’m stuck using my antiquated Yahoo(!) account for that (and Flickr). Of course, it wants to be my…

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    Titles on links: straightening up

    A combination of my recent job interview and reading Coding Horror reminded me that I’ve been slack on putting title attributes on my links here on the blagonet. The interview because it touched on accessibility, and Coding Horror because Atwood crosslinks a lot of his posts, but doesn’t give the name of the post in the title tag, which means I end up with 30 open tabs to blog entries that I couldn’t cherry-pick thanks to non-semantic URIs and no titles. I also don’t know which of Atwood’s links are internal or external without checking the URIs. Kinda frustrating. So I reactivated my External Links plugin (which puts that nice…

  • On Life and Love

    Twelve years later, the internet comes through

    I don’t know how movie people determine what goes on the soundtrack for a movie, but I do know that the makers of Blade forgot one: the electronica song that Deacon Frost is listening to on headphones in the library. Right after seeing the movie (1998, so 7th or 8th grade for me), I hopped over to the music store and bought the soundtrack… which didn’t have the song on it. There were a few good songs on it, but I mostly remember it being crappy rap. (Recent playthroughs haven’t changed my opinion much.) In 1998, searching the internet couldn’t find me that song, and I tore up the net…