
I'll clump web design talk and gadget talk here, I guess.

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    I’ll be damned – more WP trouble

    I was fixing a webcomic issue on Greg’s blog, and I’ll be damned if from one minute to the next, it didn’t suffer from an index.php injection, too. This is weird as hell. A bunch of spurious content appeared on his homepage, although clicking through to those posts showed the correct content. It may be time to look for alternative blagging software. Unfortunately, there are a lot of nice features that I use in WP.

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    WordPress PHP injection?

    I just found a creepy case of injection in my index.php file. I noticed this morning that my homepage was throwing a “headers already sent” message pointing to index.php, line 10 when it wasn’t cached by Supercache. A reload of the page cleaned it up. But my RSS feed (which currently goes through Feedburner) was also trashed, and /feed wasn’t redirecting. All with the same error. Disabling Supercache fixed the homepage warning, but not the feed. Being PHP awesome, I checked index.php for trailing whitespace, and found this snippet of code above the standard WordPress code: That’s a problem. That forum file is, as you might expect, a crap ton…

  • On Life and Love

    Windows 7 (professional)

    First thought: it’s so pretty! Second thought: this is really slick. It’s the easiest OS install I’ve had since college, and is cake to get used to. Vista was always hell to install, because I had an upgrade version. That meant I had to install Windows 2000, which broke my 500 GB hard drive into absurd partitions. Then, sitting at 640 x 480 in Windows 2000, I started the Vista install. Because Windows 2000 was 32-bit, I could only install 32-bit Vista. And because… oh, wait, I don’t know why… I couldn’t do a fresh install — I had to upgrade. Win 7 let me install 64-bit and a fresh…

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    Initial story management plugin done

    My initial pass at the story management plugin is in place. It doesn’t do the fancy things I want it to do yet, but it can note the root page of a series, output a list of stories in story-date order on that root page, note the arcs, and give Next/Previous links using the actual story names in the individual stories. Not bad for about 3 hours of work. Especially having to code around my elbows in WP. Interesting note: PHP stores timestamps as integers, which means that to get dates beyond the year 2038, I used this nifty little Date class. Dropped in like a charm, doesn’t seem to…