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    "Huffing and puffing", indeed.

    This morning’s run was difficult. Twenty-two minutes in, I still hadn’t “settled in” and was becoming more and more tense. So I walked for several minutes and picked up again for about twelve minutes. Walked for about three minutes, ran for another seven, and cooled down, making a total of about 48 minutes of workout time. Tomorrow is very much going to be a rest day. A muscle on the outside of my left thigh is achy, my left shin is getting that bruised feeling, and I feel very tired and drained. Why my left leg always acts up more than my right one, I don’t know. I suspect the…

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    Ah, there is a place for music

    I got through my 45-minute treadmill run this morning (with a wonderful burst of speed around 35 minutes in) because I took along music. And because I was determined to get in a full workout, and since I’m only doing 45 minutes, I want all 45 of them. But it was fun, and wonderful, despite the fact that I was dumn enough to ingest a dairy product before the run, making things… interesting.

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    Bleh. Treadmills.

    I did my run this morning on a treadmill. Where’s the damn wind when you need it? I got hot, and that’s not zesty. Between the heat and the boredom, I only did a half hour. I did, however, do a couple of speed intervals, which was fun. When I gain some transportation, I may drive out to a nearby park and see if I can find a running trail.

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    Forty-five more.

    Friday’s run was another evening run, in which I ran another 45 minutes. I want to be running an hour before the end of summer, but I need to sit on the 45 minute runs until my knees and ankles strengthen up, and they aren’t there, yet. But I can afford to be patient. I also did three sets of 15-second planks. Go me.

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    Time-only runs are fun

    I did my forty-five minute Thursday run in the evening, which was interesting, since I’d been pre-dawn running all summer. Advantages to evening run: More energy. This may be related to fact that I’d ingested food within the past five hours. The forty-five minute run was actually a piece of cake, and I’ll probably do an hour run early next week. Disdvantages: My stomach didn’t like the idea of me having eaten or drunk anything in the past several hours, and complained with some sloshing and light nausea. My legs actually got tired. I’ve been running in some form or another since November 2003, and my legs have never gotten…