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    Blood tests in

    Everything is normal. I am giggling in relief. Cholesterol is 134 (HDL is 53.1, LDL is 69). Protein was good. Glucose was 92. Hemoglobin and red and white blood cell counts were well within acceptable ranges. They tested a shit ton of things, and all were within nominal ranges–nothing was even borderline.

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    Speedy Gonzales. Or not.

    I did a 30 minute run today, alternating evenly (in about 5 or 6 minute blocks) between a 12:30 pace and a 11:06 pace. I suspect that if I hadn’t eaten a mere half hour before running, I think I could have done the whole thing at the 11:06 pace. Damn abdominal “stitches”. Introduced my mother to the plank today. She seemed excited.

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    Starting a thread.

    I’ve been suffering from vicious post-run fatigue (which I know C. also suffered from after a long run), so I started a Coolrunning thread to see if I can get some responses/help.

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    10% increase… in time

    The day after my triathaloning doctor preaches moderation in running (“You could safely cut back to about thirty minutes, three times a week and remain healthy and in shape…”), I increase my run time to 50 minutes. The trick to treadmill running without music? Television. I didn’t even really listen to it (I couldn’t hear it over the pounding of my feet), but it was something to look at other than my flabby legs in the facing mirror. I also set the treadmill’s display to show pace (12:15, on average) rather than time, so I couldn’t clock-watch, and that helped a ton. The pain in my right shoulder didn’t flare…

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    A run and a physical

    Another forty-five minutes on the treadmill this morning. I’m kicking the music tomorrow, because the shoulder pain is worsening. I had a physical this morning. Blood pressure was a little high (130/90), weight was 161 pounds, but the doc proclaimed me to be in wonderful health. They’re doing a complete blood workup, which will test for anemia, thyroid issues, lipids, glucose, and a variety of other things that could affect livers and kidneys and other itsy bitsy organs.