Delightful Games to Play (Part 1)
Video games are a pretty huge part of my life. I endeavor to make them. I stream them, both for my monthly Future Proof Plays streams and some on my own. Gregory and I have a standing Saturday morning date to play something before the world begins its demands on our time. I also play quite a lot on my own, although admittedly more in depth than in breadth. I’m often eager to fall in love with a game, especially a game that might land the two objectives I talk about in my Paradise Killer post. As a result, this list of kinda-sorta-okay-definitely-favorites is: Unsorted, Pretty biased towards recently-played games,…
The Facts and the Truth are Not the Same – Paradise Killer Almost Gets There
There’s a certain kind of game that I’ve become very into in the last few years. These are games that are investigative or explorations of knowledge and that bring one or two important things to the table: They’re definitely going to examine the broken-ass structures of the society they’re set in, and They might offer up a way to break, reshape, or recreate the society to be not-terrible. The first gets me to play a game with gusto. The second makes the game perfect. Paradise Killer is an outstanding game by Kaizen Game Works in which you play Lady Loves Dies, a disgraced immortal investigator let out of prison to…
Exploit: Zero Day “Headless Swarm” Landing December 1
So we’ve been working on Exploit: Zero Day for a couple of years now, but I haven’t talked nearly enough about it here. It’s a web-based cyberthriller puzzle game where you play as a hacktivist, uncovering and battling against oppression and exploitation. *innocent whistle* Totally not the sort of game I’d want to make or play, no… It’s been in closed alpha for a while, but we’re ready to offer a prelude season of paid story: “Headless Swarm”. For details on the plotline and how it relates to the continued free alpha access, check out the announcement blog post over at FPG.
Remastering “The Majesty of Colors”
Folks probably know that I make video games as part of Future Proof Games, but maybe not what we’re doing at the moment. Many, many (many) years ago, Gregory made “(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors”, a very sweet Flash game about balloons and drowning. As the site stats geek for FPG, I can tell you “Majesty” remains pretty damned popular. (Hell, it just got linked by Buzzfeed a few days ago.) It’s an evocative game that continues to appeal to folks wanting to explore the soft feelings of a big, weird, sessile alien. Problem is, Flash is finally actually dying — no phone/tablet can run it, and some browser configurations require user action before…
Holy Crap, Ossuary Is on Steam
Today. Right now. Over there on Steam. Greg and I have a D&D game tonight. He’s the sucker that’s GMing, so I’ll be staring at stats on my phone and checking email all night while absentmindedly rolling dice for my diva Avandra-worshiping Shardmind ardent.