• On Life and Love

    Shufflin’ on

    Getting sleep this weekend made a lot of things clearer for me in terms of where I want to be job-wise. So I just gave my notice. As of January, I shall no longer be teaching for Charlotte-Meck Schools. …And I got contact lenses. The two are unrelated. More later. Now I go teach.

  • On Life and Love

    And with a quiet exhalation…

    Today, my department head asked me how many modifications I was going to make to the test she’d made before I gave it to my students. The administration has been hammering us to do common assessments all year, but I’d been struggling to do PEAK-style tests — which include review questions and “skills” questions — all year. Relooping to help the kiddies and all that. This week has been very, very rough. I’ve overslept twice (once cause me to be over an hour late; both causing me to be unprepared) and am at my wits end. These past few months have been a special kind of hell. I’ve been trying…