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    Apparently, I don’t completely suck as an editor. I’m not a total grammarian, relying less on the technical grammatical issues for identifying problems than the way proper speech is spoken. I used to speak very proper English, after having grammar drilled in my brain through about seventh grade (apparently this is unusual in North Carolina; who would have thought Texas’ education system could get something right? I jest.). Anyway, at the editing seminar tonight, we ran through some examples, including a piece that is to be printed in Friday’s paper, and I caught most of the errors the Editors-in-Chief caught, and managed to have a few good suggestions for sentence…

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    Rose Thorns, NSBE, and Free Food

    Last night I went to a journalism seminar given by the staff of the Rose Thorn, our school’s weekly newspaper. While I’m not planning (particularly) on writing any articles for the paper, I have decided to become an editor, and that means I should understand what the news and opinion writers are supposed to include in their articles. I may also try to write the occasional opinion piece, simply because I have too many opinions and I enjoy sharing. Obviously. The advisor of the newspaper is my Rhetoric teacher, which means things will stay very interesting. I also went to a meeting of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)…

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    My laptop has just been through an impromptu naming ceremony and is now named Eric, despite the potential problems of such a name (I have an acquaintance by the same name). Eric’s a good name for my sexy laptop; it fits. At least my acquaintance/buddy won’t call me and ask, “Why are you calling your sexy laptop by my name?” If, by some odd chance, I do get a call from said acquaintance, I have a list of people three names long (who would have handed over my phone number for that express purpose) that will be on the receiving end of my revenge. And it will be nasty. (Only…

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    Things I Won’t Be Doing Today

    Eating a healthy balanced breakfast–these folks will custom make Belgian waffles for you. Someday I will learn to resist. “No Freshman-15, no Freshman-15…” *mutter mutter* Notifying my father of the fact that I broke his damned expensive Fontopia Earbuds today by losing one of the swivel-ly pieces. Any calculus homework–‘cuz I got it all done for the week, baby. Oh, yeah! Any physics homework–‘cuz the books still haven’t come in and I’m still hella broke. Being late for Calculus–‘cuz I’m leaving right now.

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    Language, STS, Faith, and Popularity

    Read this. It reminds me oh-so-vaguely of a rant or two I’ve had about the use of the word “gay” as a derogatory adjective. Except Michelle used more profanity. On a much more juvenile, personal, inconsequential note, I’m falling head over heels in love with… no, not the cutie pie from downstairs (who really can’t dress, and this is even by my standards), but my Rhetoric in Science class. You know how you start learning what is really a teeny bit about a subject, and feel like you could read about it for days, but aren’t quite sure where the path should go? No? Okay, then, I shall give an…