Lies, dirty filthy lies.
Looks like my hesitancy to trust the writer of the editorial mentioned yesterday was valid. The editorial seems to have been a filthy, dirty, libelous lie, and, even worse, the poem by the student was illegally posted on the Internet and modified in the process. Now this is going to become a mess of back-and-forth denials and accusations. And who knows who’s telling the truth?
A quickie before my final.
“Revolution X” (Update: link removed, as the Intervet version of the poem is not accurate; see my follow-up), a poem by a New Mexico student, is raising hell. For refusing to destroy the poem, censor other students’ poetry, and destroy various art posters, teachers at her high school are being suspended and fired. The problem with the article, of course, is that the writer is a friend of one of the teachers involved, but the poem itself is ridiculously interesting and a good read, and if even half the things the editorial writer says are happening actually are, things are getting even nastier in this nation than I thought. Links…
On social things
I realized earlier this week just how odd my social interactions have been this school year. During a discussion with some Thorn staff, it was brought to my attention that most of them probably wouldn’t consider the amount of social interaction I have to be sufficient. And I’m not sure I do, either, once I think about it. Classes aren’t places to be social, in my opinion. I don’t chitchat or goof off there comfortably at all. I don’t mesh well with many of the girls on the floor, and those that I do get along with are usually only in one particular area, like music interests, or academics. Not…
Ohmygod, where’d it go?
I’ve lost my ass. Somewhere between the walking and running and rowing and elliptical, it just went away. I didn’t even notice until I was getting dressed in front of a mirror this afternoon (I was showering in a different residence hall, since mine has no hot water). Now I’ve got one of those odd figures–decent boobage, wide hips, no ass. It’s disproportionate. When I told Bridget I didn’t have an ass: Bridget: Sexy, sexy Lissa.Lissa: What? No. I don’t have an ass, Bridget.B: Geez, Lissa. Some girls would kill for that.L: I’m not “some girls”. Ass is a good thing. I don’t want a ghetto booty. I just want…
Ooh, ooh! Pictures!
Completely un-Photoshopped for anything other than size, because I’m le tired… From left to right: My former mini-boss (News Editor Emeritus), Bob, and Luke. My former mini-boss and Luke, cheesing for the camera when she needs to be writing that damn article… Bob! My former mini-boss, Luke, and L., who is the current Assistant News Editor. From a couple of weeks ago, the Sexy Leprechaun (Entertainment Editor) and our Opinions Editor dressed up for the Multimedia Night (music, movies, stand-up comedy, and live bands–much fun). Those two again. Ow, ow. And last but not least, me breaking my no-pictures rule. I hope I’m easily identifiable. This was taken before I…