• On Life and Love


    I just had a wonderful trip to Arizona with WO to visit his family and see the sights. Wonderful. Arizona is nice and warm (relatively–the mornings were a bit chilly) and pretty. WO’s family is awesomely fun and funny and sweet and welcomed me with open arms.

  • On Life and Love

    Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices

    While in Arizona, I went to a Unitarian Universalist (UU) showing of the film “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices” at WO’s church. The website lists the movie as “Breathtaking,” “Mesmerizing,” and worth “Two thumbs up.” Honestly, I think the only person who found the movie “breathtaking” was this one lady in the congregation who gasped at every number thrown up on the screen. She was either asthmatic or had no idea that numbers could go above one thousand. As far as it being worth “two thumbs up,” I think the movie makers may have been putting those thumbs some place the sun doesn’t shine, because the movie is…

  • On Life and Love


    I finally put up T-dawg’s and my Critters in a Box project from Artificial Intelligence this fall. I even made a nice little page with background information and usage instructions, for those who care. If there are major problems with what’s there (i.e. it can’t be downloaded, it makes your system blow up, etc.), let me know. Otherwise, it’s given as-is, no guarantees, yadda yadda. If you want the source code, I’ll email it to just about anyone that asks.

  • On Life and Love

    Midnight linkage

    Youth Gangs (Gotham Gazette. March 5, 2001) » This article points out something that could refute Muscio’s claim about the government’s deliberate influx of cocaine to gangs leading to the current state of gangs: that heroin came first. The Gang Unit » "If a kid is interested in gangs; that’s an interest in drugs; that’s an interest in violence and that’s an interest in victimizing the weak." – Different than Inga Muscio’s take on the matter… Crips and Bloods – Los Angeles Street Gangs » Interesting history of gangs in LA, including information on the Spook Hunters and the formation of black gangs in response to white violence. This is…

  • On Life and Love

    A water fiasco

    Or: A day for hating my apartment complex. So this morning I decide to get up and put in the relaxer my hair so desperately needs. (For those who don’t know what a relaxer is, think “perm”, but for straightening instead of making curly.) Relaxers have pretty strict ideas for how long they should be in. I typically leave a strong perm in for just over 20 minutes, which is just about the longest they suggest (for uber-nappy hair, although mine doesn’t really qualify as that). Fifteen minutes into the process–goop still in hair–just after I had rinsed my hands so I could start cleaning up the mess… the water…