• On Life and Love

    Bad weather? Eh.

    So the response on how to handle crappy weather was essentially, “Make sure you plan for bad weather in making it to your destination.” They also said that if DePauw was closed, they’d call/email me sometime after 08:00 to tell me the interview was canceled. …It’s a 40 mile drive in (potentially) snow and ice. I won’t be reachable by 08:00; in fact, I will probably have been on the road for an hour already. Frustrated sigh. We’ll see, I suppose.

  • On Life and Love

    Nervous sound here

    Tomorrow is my Teach for America interview. I’m nervous and excited. Very nervous. But there’s a winter storm warning in effect for this half of the state. I’ve emailed them to find out what’ll happen if travel isn’t feasible or possible, so we’ll see what they say. I put out my last issue of the paper last week. When asked how it feels (to be done), my response was, “So very good.” Rumor has it, though, that there are big changes in the works already (i.e. for next term). I haven’t been told anything about it officially yet, so I’m being quiet. It’s weird when your barely former minions are…

  • On Life and Love

    This Week’s Del.icio.us bookmarks

    Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user Irrsinn Outlook 2003 – Thunderbird Smack Down — A nice comparison. Tagged as: [software thunderbird outlook] ddr — I’m looking to get a little DDR set up in my apartment for exercise/dancing fun, and this is a pretty cool guide to getting me started. Tagged as: [dancing exercise] Home on the Fringe: It’s not about the drinking, Meredith. — She’s got a point here. The idea that (mid-class?) mothers spend their entire existence centered around their kids makes me shudder a little. And want to tie my tubes. Tagged as: [children family] slight paranoia: A clearer picture of how to fly with no ID —…

  • On Life and Love

    Scrub, scrub, scrub

    So the comb coils weren’t working for me. They were too delicate to wash/rinse with the frequency that I need to, given how often I workout. So, I’m fro’ing it again. I’ll let it grow another inch or two, until I can plait it, then start the locing process. I’m sad to need to wait, but I think it’ll go better if I have a more resilient hair style.