Audacious Compassion: a Podcast About… That
Did y’all know I’m the co-host of a podcast?
“Audacious Compassion” is a monthly podcast I record with MacGregor in which we take listener questions about ways they’re having trouble being compassionate in everyday life. Much like in our game design, we hope to enable and inspire not just general compassion, but compassion when it’s hard, when it takes audacity to enact.
Topics have included a co-parent being demanding about parenting when they aren’t around, dealing with Islamophobic colleagues, and times when someone seems to be trying to provoke you into a argument.
We’ve been doing it since August 2016, but we’re struggling to get new prompts from users. I don’t know if our marketing is just insufficient or if the podcast isn’t very good. I’ll be sad if it’s the latter, but would welcome the feedback!
If you haven’t listened to it yet, give it a go! If you like the concept, submit your woes to (anonymously, if you like) and find us on Twitter and Facebook and help spread the word.
(“Two posts in one month?!” you ask. Don’t get sick of me yet. I’ll try to pace myself without disappearing entirely for 10 months.)
(Besides, if you feel abandoned, imagine how my Animal Crossing: New Leaf characters feel. Every single one of those jerks chastised me.)