• On Life and Love

    *rip*, *tear*, *slice*

    I just found out that Progressive has been charging me extra each month because they think I’m an “inexperienced” driver. That I haven’t had a license for at least three years. Never mind that I’ve had this policy for this car for three damn years. And never mind that I had my first policy with them for my first car during my freshman year of college. Silly. They told me they couldn’t access the details of those old policies (the Indiana one and the one for the first car), and they assumed I had a permit for those. I was told to get driving records from the DMVs in question…

  • On Life and Love

    Fear is the mindkiller…

    I’ve been sitting here for the last hour or so, rereading my writing works in progress, trying to find a thread to pick up and run with. Or trot with. Or stroll with. I tried playing around with a micro from a writing prompt, but my imagination was pretty dry. I’m going to keep trying, but I’m saddened by my lack of creative thought. In other news, I told my students I was quitting today. One student’s response was, “You don’t like teaching high school? Why couldn’t you have figured that out at the beginning of the year?!” Ah. Nasty little child. Students like her, that want nothing other than…

  • Uncategorized

    Star Wars RPG

    I never liked Star Wars. I thought the movies were lame — or rather, the characters in the movies were lame. The gritty universe was potentially interesting, but completely unexplored in the movies. By “movies”, I mean the original three and the first of the new ones with the kid Anakin. So when my local gamemaster suggested that we start a Star Wars game (using the old d6-based system, not the new d20 system), I was dubious. I was more than dubious. He convinced me that we would be playing in a “saga” (or era) where Skywalker and company wouldn’t be present. So I said I’d be up for trying…

  • On Life and Love

    Better Budget Challenge #1

    From “Better Budget Challenge #1 — Our budgeting experiences“: How have you used a budget in the past? I’ve tried budgeting with Excel spreadsheet templates when I was in college. Essentially, I would put in the amounts I felt I should spend per month so that my expenses would equal my income. It was a simple system. How did you put your budget to work? I don’t think I put it to work at all. It mostly existed for me to be more conscious my spending, even if it didn’t change my spending habits. I would tweak the category amounts in the budget as I spent money on what I…

  • On Life and Love

    Last Friday really teaching

    Surprisingly, a bit of a zen-like calm descended over me this morning as I was dressing for school. For the first time, I dressed down on a Friday, swapping my dress shirt for a sweatshirt. (I’m still wearing slacks and loafers, but hey.) Next week are finals. I’m only a little behind in my grading, so I should be done well before next Friday. My last day is officially January 22, 2008. That’s a teacher workday, so I can make sure I have all my stuff out of the room on that day. Whoever is replacing me should be setting up shop by then, hopefully. The end is near. Very…